PGetTextRun(long nRunStyle);
Indicates the criteria to use to determine a change in the text. Criteria are:1 for change in text or paragraph attributes (e.g. font, size, space after paragraph, page break before paragraph, inline graphic)
2 for line break (PageMaker line break, soft or hard line breaks, unplaced text)
4 for change in tab ruler settings
long nStoryID;
PageMaker internal story number
long nBegin;
Number of characters from beginning of story to insertion point or start of current selection
long nEnd;
Number of characters from beginning of story to point where text changes
long nReason;
Type of change in text:nRunStyle and nReason additive. The values for nRunStyle and nReason are additive. For example, to get the location of a change in the text in either the tab ruler or text or paragraph attributes, specify 3 for nRunStyle (1+2):0 for end of selection or story
1 for changes in text or paragraph attributes (e.g., font, size, space after, inline graphic)
2 for line break (PageMaker line break, soft or hard line breaks, unplaced text)
4 for changes in tab ruler settings
In the same way, if the location marks a change of more than one type, PageMaker sets nReason to the sum of those types.
No changes: text selected. If PageMaker finds no changes in selected text, it returns the ending position of the selected text for nEnd and zero for nReason.
No changes: no text selected. If no text is selected and PageMaker finds no changes between the insertion point and the end of the story, it returns the end of the story for nEnd and zero for nReason.
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